About Our Equine Assisted Learning
All of our equine assisted learning programs are facilitated with our herd of over 25 rescue horses. Horses are a medium of personal development, self reflection and strengthening our awareness in ourselves personally and professionally. All of the equine facilitated learning experiences with our horses are done on the ground, so no previous horse experience is necessary. Many of our participants who come to experience our programs do not have any previous horse background or knowledge. Whether you know horses or you are just being introduced to them, what you learn in the interactions with them will be unlike anything you have ever experienced.
The uniqueness of our programs is our interactions and experiences take place at liberty with our herd on 50 acres in a setting that is curated to be as organic and natural as possible. We believe in the power of the horse and what we learn from their perspective. We try to create experiences that are absent of agenda and based on the authentic engagement and connection with our herd.
Our programs can be custom designed based on the intention of the group and individual needs.
Adding an equine experience to your retreat or stay is a great opportunity to amplify the intention of why you have come and chosen our facility. Whether you are a professional corporate team looking to enhance the learning environment, or an individual that is seeking clarity or respite on their journey, our equine packages are the perfect compliment and enhancement to your time here. The time with our herd is often the highlight of the retreats and stays, the experience will enhance your learning and intention for being here and the learning and awareness that occurs will transfer and stay with you long after your time here.
Along with the value of having time with the herd, adding an equine package also goes towards supporting our herd of horses that are all rescues and have come to our facility looking for a second purpose and a chance at life.
For the individuals that are looking for an impactful wellness retreat for themselves on their journey of discovery and growth, an equine private retreat is a beautiful opportunity to engage in a deeper place of self reflection and transformation. Our private retreats are custom designed to each individual and what they are seeking to create as an experience for themselves. Having some guidance and facilitation as part of personal retreat provides a unique opportunity to gain greater clarity and empowerment of where you are seeking it. To inquire about our private retreats please get in touch with us.
Each year we run a variety of group equine wellness retreats at our facility. The majority of our group retreats are geared towards women and other equine professionals that are feeling an equine connection, or are drawn towards a type of healing through horses, and looking to be engaged in a small group environment. To inquire about our group retreats please get in touch with us.